Wimbledon ‘behind the scenes’ FACTS!

Wimbledon ‘behind the scenes’ FACTS! I was a manager of catering at Wimbledon for four years in a row-and during that time you get to see the ins and outs of a place really quickly. It is amazing how much you can find out within two weeks!  WIMBLEDON-is a tennis tournament that takes place in … More Wimbledon ‘behind the scenes’ FACTS!

Oreo Cookie Balls!

Oreo Cookie Balls Simplistic cooking is what I live by, things that you can throw into a bowl and then eat. So along that same line may I introduce: Oreo Cookie Balls Ingredients: Biscuits (one packet or two depending on how many balls you want to make) Cream Cheese (one pot) Chocolate (Any flavour you … More Oreo Cookie Balls!